The plot revolves around ten-year-old Mary Lennox, who lost her parents in a cholera epidemic in India in 1906. Sent to live with her embittered uncle in North Yorkshire, Mary discovers that she has a cousin of her own age who has been treated as an invalid since birth.
Together with Dickon, a lad of the moors with a mystical bent and servants of the Yorkshire mansion, Mary revitalizes a garden that belonged to her late aunt and through it brings life and well-being to her cousin, her uncle and, most importantly, herself. The show is replete with songs that touch the core of our emotions: lost love, companionship, self-confidence, compassion, and hope.
Encore! Educational Theatre Company is proud to present this thoroughly charming work, which appeals to young and old alike. Those who have seen and enjoyed recent Encore! productions of Fiddler on the Roof, My Fair Lady and The Gondoliers will already know the professional quality that is brought to the stage in the staging by Robert Binder, musical direction by Paul Salter, and scenic design by Roxane Goodkin-Levy. Those who are new to Encore! are in for a special treat as the early twentieth-century world of India and England unfolds on the stage.
Heading the cast in Encore’s production is Sapir Nachman, a child of unusual talent who carries much of the show. Her cousin, Colin, is played by Sraya Goldstein, a veteran of several Encore! shows at the age of 12. Mary’s uncle and his wife, the lamented Lily, are portrayed by Michael Sacofsky and Aviella Trapido, both of them favourites of Encore! audiences, with Avital Sykora (remembered fondly as Tzeitel in Fiddler on the Roof) and Dr. Robin Stamler, in supporting roles. The cast of 40 is accompanied by a 12-piece orchestra.
Performances will be held in the Hirsch Theatre, Beit Shmuel, 6 Shama Street, Jerusalem (off King David Street) on 29 and 30 May, 4 and 6 June at 8:00 p.m. Two performances will be offered on 5 June at 5:00 and 8:30 P.M.
Tickets are on sale now online or through the Encore! box office (054) 578-9006 or Beit Shmuel box office (02) 620-3463. This is one musical show you will not want to miss!
Photo by Brian Negin